Thursday, July 12, 2007

Building Community?

So I guess I'm kind of answering the question raised in my last blog entry regarding the ability of current communities to survive amid the construction of the Canada Line. I came across the above poster advertising this FREE community event being held at various communities along the Canada Line (Yaletown, Cambie Village, Oakridge and Downtown Granville).

Originally there was an advertising campaign that advocated that "Business is Open" along the Canada Line. Seeing the organizations that are behind this (Translink, Canada Line, along with the various communities), this seems like another effort to increase publicity for businesses along Cambie Street. However, with the effects of the original "Business is Open" still undetermined, it will be interesting to see if this latest event will have any impact in drawing shoppers and tourists to the area. I guess these events and advertising campaigns are a good idea, but will it be enough, or has the damage already been done?

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